Sunday, January 22, 2012

Player's BurnOut

Recently Rafa quoted that he has lost passion for the game and Serena said she is no more loves the tennis game? What would make star player suddenly drop the interest? Are they burnt out? Have they lost the interest in the game?
Burn out = More stress and less reward = the player is physically, emotionally and psychologically exhausted = low self esteem and depression
The Causes of Burn Out –
The players are over trained and hardly achieve their next level and become stale.
The players are stressed due to fanatic parents and excessive enthusiastic Coaches. They pressurize the player for better ranking, winning attitude and practice, practice, practice ….
In expectation of tougher competition the coaches and parents makes the player play with senior players and that ends up to be excessive part of training.
Most important is the player is unable to cope with his/her perfectionist behavior.
Recently, I came to know a girl under 12 year category was playing tournament away from her home for continuously 7 weeks in a row. Lot of traveling can also burn out the player.
One of my trainees is going to change his school for tennis game and this might cause him stress. He will be leaving the school early and missing his friends and he will start feeling that everything is ATTACHED to tennis including his relation with his parents. He will start feeling that his life is totally controlled by his parent and coach.
In my blog I have written articles on “Parent Syndrome”. Parents please go through this article as it will help you to know that ‘child comes first then tennis’.
I have a system in my tennis coaching - that - every advanced and intermediate player will keep a note book with him/her and will daily write down in a sentence or two what he/she wants to play.
We set realistic goals like first try to come in the Class team, school team and then representing State team in the National within two year frame.
Below 12 is not allowed to travel outside the district so the mistake of excessive traveling is not committed and child has no stress.
As Parents are the basic coach of the child so they are advised to motivate and love their child and leave the coaching aspect to the coach.
Stress is the initial sign of burn out. So watch out.
To Your Massive Tennis Success
Alex Gomes
Enjoy my personal Blog.


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