Wednesday, October 26, 2011

How You Start Is CRUCIAL

Hi Tennis Buddies and Parents

There were very few participants from Gujarat in the Fineasta National Tennis Tournament held at Delhi. One can count the state players on the finger tips in this national event. It is Pathetic and dejecting. Tennis is growing as a small industry in Gujarat but has failed to have mark on the National Level.

Why so? I have marked that in Gujarat the coaches and parents have vision or they head for Gujarat Championship or maximum TS. In fact State Championship and Talent Series is an introduction to competition for the kids to develop the sense of competition and not as the final destination. What stops them from bigger vision or goal? Is it infrastructure, finance, motivation, Association, Coaches, or the “Tennis Parent syndrome” parents? Well, as per my observation none of the above factor. We are unable to bring the kids to get their next level and then everything fizzles out. Everything stops and starts decaying. Why? The answer is, their tennis started in a WRONG WAY.

Starting out right is the name of the game. Great fundamental lasts the life times unfortunately so the bad ones I am the firm believer in getting the kids in the best possible fundamentals at a young age.

Lot of parents and coaches make a mistake to get into that ‘My kid hit over the net 10 times 20 times 30 times ‘, it is not how many time you hit over the net but it is the quality of that consistency how you hit the ball over the net, it is how the ball naturally goes deep so instead of hitting 20 over the net, please do not get me wrong it is a great accomplishment but what matters the most how they hit the ball over the net; whether the kid is in good balance, is he/she hitting through the ball and where is the ball landing. Work on fundamental so by and by it becomes your weapon.

The player you see on the TV Fedrrer, Nadal, Murray Djoko, Roddick, William Sister you will be amazed if you by any chance to see their video tape at 10, 11, 12, it is same, similar backswing almost identical grip similar set up, the only difference is that they are big they are stronger, they are faster, they are smarter.

Please refer to the Picture above - “My most favorite Kim Clijster, ‘The junior Kim’ carried the same stroke ‘open stance backhand’ to her next level as a weapon.”

So how you start out is crucial, it is difficult to change or dig around the technical aspect at the age of 15 16 or 17 years.

One can see solid balance and preparation and other essential of the fundamentals with Agassi Sampras, Roger, Williams. That is the reason Agassi was in the top ten player in the world and due to various reasons Agassi could not focus on his tennis and his ranking fell to 141 but his comeback is an inspirational story, with the help of his coach Brad Gilbert he again reached into top ten just due to his strong fundamental, same with Serena, the recent incident about Serena, she had big lay off due to injury and on her return she played the US Finals and it was just because of her solid Fundamentals, the sound technique. Kim Clijsters (my most favourite) could win the US Open after a long break.

Allan broke his ACL and had to undergo one Major and 2 minor surgeries similarly Nova also had serious knee injury and both of them had considerable break but due to their excellent fundamentals and basics could play again and proved themselves in the State and National Level. I was fortunate enough to see some great Indian coaches working on technique and fundaments with selected talented hardworking kids, so best way to be smarter is to look at the people who are smarter than you, they are doing something right, and so Starting out right is vitally important.

Let me tell you something Tennis Buddies, World is a big place this is a journey and everyone has to pay the same price. Keep it fun and focus on making to develop a best possible athlete. In the modern game you have to hit on the run and be a magician when you are out of position and you have to do all kind of movement, falling backward, and stretching out of the court where you will be understanding your body. It is not beauty contest, what I mostly say a ‘cat walk’, here in tennis you are hardly set, you have to do lots of movement with control and balance, so the life becomes more easier if you are developing your son or daughter in to a athlete.

So the take home message is - do not get caught at the moment, have vision and this is long term process, work on the basics and have life time solid fundamentals which will turn into weapons’.

To your Massive Tennis Success

Your Coach

Alex Gomes



enjoy my personal Blog.


Thursday, October 6, 2011

When Fatigue Comes In, Faith Goes Out.

Hi tennis Buddies,

So….. Exams are over …. Nice …. Now festival season has started and there will be lots of sweets and junk food, simultaneously weather has started to change, it is getting little cooler, no more rain and no more breaks in the practice schedule.

Recently at ACTF ‘Champion Series Tournament’ was held for boys and girls under 12 and 14. I had the opportunity of meeting the tennis fraternity. Numbers of coaches were dejected that now a days players are not ready to work hard and do not have much liking for fitness program.


YES, I have a Dream, to chisel my students into a complete Tennis Athlete as I want them to “Dominate The Court" and that can only be accomplished by – “Earn your Fitness.”

Well . . . . . .

Fitness is not something you find - like a 10 paise coin on a footpath.

Fitness is not something you win - like a toy in a cornflakes packet.

Fitness is not a spot of good luck - like winning the big sum in ‘Kaun banega Corerpati’ J.

Fitness is something you must earn, something you must deserve and something you must continue with. It is something which is hard to earn but also easy to lose.

First of all truly become a student of the game, if it is YES then it has to be YES, be prepared to get interested, ask questions, seek advice, educate yourself, listen to your body and get there the right way. In the end you create a body that won't run out of fuel, and will be efficient reliable and well tuned.

Remember, if you don't continue to look after it, it will rust and become worthless. Do not come under the comfort zone that it is the coach duty, no it is not coach duty, coach is only facilitator, he can share his knowledge and will try to make you learn, actually it is YOU vs. YOU.

Unfortunately, to become fit and athletic you've got to be prepared to put in a constant effort. But this effort will far outweigh the negatives because of the way it makes you feel and the confidence it will give you on tennis court and in everyday living.

DO IT, LOVE IT AND HAVE FUN -that is the motto.

I have observed that number of ‘Gujarat Players’ have a considerable good technique but fail to produce their stroke when they are moved two steps away, it is just pathetic, hardly anybody is seen with athletic stance, hardly anybody is seen with good stamina and endurance.

Tennis Buddies, in tennis, fitness can be a weakness or strength. Just as your speed, agility and footwork can be as potent a weapon as the killer forehand. Imagine if you could play a tennis tournament and be able to take the fitness element out of the equation. Imagine knowing that no matter how long the match goes for, you will never have to question your ability to stay out there and grind it out. It makes you feel that you are well prepared and ready and waiting for action.

Chalk out a system which will help you to develop tennis fitness and addresses all your needs. Core training is very vital as it develops your back, increases your muscle, power and agility and above all increases your balance and posture as a result injury risk is decreased. Work on your conditioning, endurance and flexibility. All your work out has to be tennis specific.

Fatigue makes cowards of us all. So True: When Fatigue Comes In, Faith Goes Out.

It is tragic if you don't work on and see the necessity and amazing benefits of fitness. This not only makes you a much, much better tennis player but it also makes you a tennis athlete. This in turn will make your attitude to yourself, others, tennis and life itself much, much better.

To Your Massive Tennis Success

Alex Gomes


enjoy my personal Blog.
