Saturday, July 3, 2010

About Me

Sports are my passion – Tennis is my first love, to recall I started playing tennis when I was 26. In school days I was a football player – Right Outer for the school team (St. Xavier’s High School, Ahmedabad, I was Selected by none other than Bro. Bou). When I saw tennis at PRL (Physical Research Laboratory) sports club I was really amused to see that in this game one can receive the ball after one bounce! Oh Boy! That is pretty easy and that is how I started playing this game, where ‘love’ means nothing but I have an ‘advantage’ of pursuing my passion. I have represented Gujarat University thrice as a Table Tennis Player in Inter University Tournaments.

In couple of years I (I am central Government employee) started playing the Civil Services Tournaments and The Central Revenue Board tournaments, Won the PRL Sports Club Tournament. Played couple of State tournaments and clinching headlines in the local dailies.

The purpose of this blog is to highlight the environment of tennis in the Gujarat State thereby being informative of the happenings, scenario about tennis game in State.

Alex Gomes

So True

One man practicing sportsmanship is far better than fifty preaching it.

Alex Gomes

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